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Thursday, August 26, 2010

You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.

Currently watching: Home Movies
Last movie watched: Evil Dead - 6 stars
Song of the day (Mon): Dune Buggy - TPOTUSA
Song of the day (Tues): I'm Alright - Kenny Loggins
Song of the day (Weds): Turn the Page - Bob Seger

Oh, how the days go by... Nothing new. It's been a few days... already falling out of the habit, NO GOOD!

Sunday I awoke around 2 to a rainy, dreary day. And my moon roof is still leaking after I thought I fixed it... DAMN IT! .... I also found out I lost three BRAND NEW CDS! The Beatles Love, and Kings of Leon Aha shake heartbreak and youth & young manhood. SON OF A BITCH! I hate throwing money away. I think I left them on top of my car and drove away into the night.

After this discovery I decided to hang out with Curtis for a little bit, play some old Halo and have a few beers. After that I went to ... Oh wait, I already talked about Sunday... Haha, ok Monday was pretty much the same. Rainy and gloomy. I wanted to hit up the library but I pushed it off too long. Made lunch for Meagan and I and we went to work. I worked in the gun cage, making these cute little personal defense .22's. Cute is not normally a word used to describe a gun, but it's like a sweet little derringer. After work we got home and had a quick dinner and then Meagan went to Whoremart and then to a friend's. I watched the second episodes of Weeds & The Big C and farted around for a bit, then took a shower and relaxed when Meagan got home. The second episode of Weeds held my attention a lot better than the first one, but it's still bland. They sure know how to drag you along! The Big C is just great!

Tuesday was yet again the same, overcast and gloomy, I'm excited for this fall! I woke up bright and squirrelly at 5, tooo early, so I watched something boring and passed back out until later in the afternoon. Then I got up, had breakfast, made lunch, marinated some chicken and went in to work. I got a shitty machine that turned out to be a not so shitty machine and all in all had an ok night that went by nice and fast. I was just pissed at first because I've been so used to working guns and having time to read. I wanted to start my great Harry Potter Re-Read! I want to try and read all of the books and then watch all of the movies in time to see the final installment! After work we got home real quick and I made baked BBQ chicken with mashed potatoes and corn. It was gooood. I got to bed by 3.

I accidentally left my nicoderm patch on but I know it's not the patch that's been shooting me awake really early. Maybe it's this gloomy, autumn-like weather. I do enjoy it when it's nice and cool and gloomy. I've been in a nice mood lately, and I'm happy to be done smoking cigarettes. I feel they go hand in hand, partly, my mood and not smoking. It definitely wasn't like this at first, this guy was not a happy camper... But I believe the worst has passed. By Saturday I will be off the patch and my nicotine-free life shall
begin! I did sneak a few drags off of a cigarette last night. Minor infraction, but I'm over it.

Yesterday was another ho hum, gloomy day. I finally called the IRS, I now know what I owe, a whopping $1,600 and some odd dollars. I start a 300 dollar a month payment plan on the 28th, so that should take me at most 5 months to take care of... Greeeeaaaat... I also rounded up all of my other debts. Things are looking promising, I just have to stick to my budget and not get any more speeding tickets or fines.

After all that fun I made lunch, went to work, made guns, came home, got fat and happy and went to bed by 3. My library book is 3 days late.... I think I'll make it in today, finally. I have no idea what to get for a book though. I think I'll just drop it off later tonight, I don't really need a new book since I'm starting HP. I'm close to finishing A Million Little Pieces. I'm glad I stuck it out because it's a pretty good story. I don't care that it's all a lie. I went in knowing this and at first it hindered the experience but now it's helping... How, I don't know. But I'm liking it, I have about 50 or so pages to go. 

It's Thursday! PAYDAY! BEERDAY! And shopping day. Oh, thank you for reminding me, I need to make a list. I look forward to just getting it all over with. Head down, push through, as Michael Bluth always says. Alright, time to get off for now. Just in case I don't get to a post today, I'll leave you with something to keep you entertained:


PMS The Movie

Sucker Punch

............ You like that?

Enjoy Thursday! Love Peace and Positivity!