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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better.

Currently watching: Louie (LOVE IT in all it's dark comical glory!)

Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Last movie watched: Heaven/Maze, Heaven was great! 4 stars, missed the content of the ending but still saw it. Maze, 3 stars, I didn't finish, but it was good for what I saw... Laura Linney is a fooooox.

Song of the day: The Shins - New slang
(Song of the day, Sunday: This lil diddy 
Song of the day, Monday: Incubus - Aqueous Transmission (reminiscing of Saturday, I love the 2 minutes of crickets in the end)

Hold on, time out, pause for a minute. I will be riiiiight back.
(::click while you wait::)
There. Thaat's better. XD

So it's been a few days since my last post, and I'll probably do it this way from now on. Daily is just too much. Every other day or two is just fine. If something post-worthy happens, then of course, I'll post it. Otherwise, I think I can remember everything I need to for the most part.

Although, I did forget I ran something over after work Friday on the way to Curt's.... Here was my facebook status, this reads kind of poetically:

To the animal that ran under my car on North Burnham - I'm sorry! You came right out of the bushes and under my car.... I hit you hard with my tailpipe hanging so low.... I turned around but you were nowhere to be found... :( ...... As long as you were not a cat, I think I'll be able live with it.... Hopefully a possum or something.... I hope I really just made his head hurt and didn't kill him... A little special possum is running through the forest off the busy road... Naming his toes...

Anywhatists. Sunday was the laziest day ever. All I did was nap and eat spaghetti squash (DELICIOUS!!!!). Oh, yah, we went to RI to grab some booze because we forgot to re-up before 9 on Saturday. Only had 2 more beers, wasn't really feeling it. Had my first Pumpkin Head Ale! The greatest time of year can officially start! Got home around 9 and did some dishes. I was going to cook dinner, but I didn't feel like it. Farted around for the rest of the night, passed out around 2 or 3. Or earlier, can't really remember, nor does it honestly really matter at all anyway whatsoever....

Monday was a blah day. I was tired... I just slept way too much this weekend. Work went by nice and fast, but BLAH. Made a few hundred guns. Talked with Mum for a bit, that was nice. One of her close friends passed away Friday after a long battle with cancer. I was supposed to go up this weekend but I couldn't make it, and it worked out for the best because Mum had to cancel anyway. After work we shot straight home and I made an excellent spaghetti dinner with apple turnovers for dessert (yes I do cook dinner when we get home at 1am). I need to switch to first shift. I need daylight! Anywaaay, caught the new eps. of Weeds and The Big C. Love. Passed out around 5:30.

Woke up this morning sweating my testicles off. It was HOT. It's going to be hotter tomorrow. And then it's supposed to rain Thursday or Friday. Went to work and got assigned a gun that wasn't even up and running, nor would it be for the night... So I was assigned to help some other machines that 4 peoples were already working on. So I said, 'Fuck that.'  and went and did some rework. And then I dicked around all night. I read a lot of my book. I didn't do a damn thing. And I ENJOYED IT!

We have to be in a half hour early tomorrow. Another meeting. With the new head honcho. I have a feeling I'm going to like him. Popped into the cantina for a bit on lunch. Everybody was talking about Hurricane Earl possibly making it's way to the North East. It's already for certain hitting NC, well at least they're planning evacuation routes. We'll see where he goes. It's going to be ridiculously hot throughout the next two weeks. Interesting weather. Can't wait for the cool autumn to start.

Got home and plopped on my ass and here I sit, now, as I am typing this. All internetted out. Just going to tune out and sit in front of the televiz for a few hours and then crash. SHIT! I have to call the theatre tomorrow, make sure they still need me for halloween and when they would expect me to come down, so I can ask for time off!

Peace off, Love you!
Stay positive!


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